Thriving in COVID-19 Times
by Kim Bellard, August 27, 2020
These are, no question, hard times, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, these are hard times. But not for everyone.
No one should be surprised that Amazon is doing well, as more turn to online shopping and Amazon’s quick delivery, but The Wall Street Journal reports that Bog Box stores generally are doing well.
Similarly, if you’re a streaming service like Netflix or Disney+, the pandemic has been great for business. Video conferencing services like Zoom are booming. Car dealers are struggling, but not online car sales.
In healthcare, everyone seems to agree that the big winner has been telehealth. Industry leaders TelaDoc and Livongo merged, while rival Amwell got a $100 million investment from Google. No one is quite sure how much of the flexibilities introduced during the pandemic will persist once it recedes, but no one wants to miss out on what McKinsey predicts could be a $250b opportunity.
Of course, the pharmaceutical companies are doing fine in the pandemic. They’re the cockroaches of healthcare; they’re always going to survive. Some are even getting the federal government to directly pay for their vaccine research or therapeutics.
Health insurers are also proving to be big winners despite — or because of — the pandemic. Due to all those delayed/avoided treatments, they’re racking up huge profits so far in 2020.
The big loser is employer sponsored health insurance — or rather, the people who lost it. Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that 27 million people lost their health coverage due to losing their jobs in the pandemic.
Another big loser may be primary care practices, especially those not yet owned by health systems. Financial losses are predicted to be staggering, as patients stayed away in droves. As late as July, nearly 90% of primary care practices said they were still struggling due to COVID-19, according to a survey done for the Primary Care Collaborative.
Ann Greiner, president of PCC, said the report “is a clarion call to move to a new payment system that doesn’t rely on face-to-face visits and that is prospective so practices can better manage patient care.”
Hospitals also took a big hit, with the American Hospital Association predicting that losses would top $300b in 2020 due to the pandemic’s impacts. Some of these losses will be offset by the various federal bills (CARES and PPE), others by the rebound in the stock market, but some hospitals will continue to struggle — especially the already struggling rural hospitals.
During the pandemic, it has repeatedly struck me as a particular indictment of our healthcare system is that a health crisis causes so much disruption and so many financial losses. If a sick care system — which, let’s face it, is what we have — doesn’t do well when lots of people are sick, what are we doing?
In April of this year, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talked about the growth of its virtual platform Teams during the pandemic and declared, “In this era of remote everything, we have seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.” Healthcare has also made some significant strides, but if all we take away from the pandemic is that maybe we should keep doing more telehealth, we’ll have missed the opportunity for real change.
The pandemic has important lessons for healthcare. We shouldn’t rely on employment for health insurance. We shouldn’t rely so heavily on elective procedures for health care revenues. We need to be more flexible about where and how people get their care.
This pandemic will eventually pass, in some form and with great damage. The healthcare system will survive, at least most of it. The challenge for us is to start making the changes needed for it to thrive even in the next crisis.
This post is an abridged version of the original posting in Medium. Please follow Kim on Medium and on Twitter (@kimbbellard)

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