20 Interesting Takeaways From the CMS NORC Next Generation ACO First Annual Report
By Clive Riddle, September 7, 2018
The recently released 111-page Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (NGACO) Model Evaluation First Annual Report prepared by NORC on behalf of CMS provides a treasure trove of ACO tidbits, as CMS uses the report to tout emphasizing higher risk sharing arrangements. Here’s the NGACOs examined in the report, followed by twenty selected interesting takeaways:
- There were 18 active NGACOs in 2016, with 15 having prior Medicare ACO experience
- These 18 NGACOs served 477,197 beneficiaries, with 31,070 network providers and 775 network facilities
- In aggregate, NGACOs served three percent of total Medicare beneficiaries in all markets
- On average, a 2016 NGACO served about 26,500 aligned beneficiaries (median of 24,219 beneficiaries)
- NGACOs are associated with a 1.7% reduction in Medicare spending for aligned beneficiaries totaling $100.08 million (1.1% reduction after shared savings payment went to NGACOs)
- The estimated gross reduction in Medicare spending with $18.20 per beneficiary per month ($11.20 reduction after $7.00 in shared savings went to NGACOs)
- NGACOs experienced 1.7/1,000 fewer IP Hospital Days (1.3% reduction) and 20.4/1,000 more wellness visits per year (11.9% increase)
- Standardized risk-adjusted, per capita Medicare spending in NGACO markets ($9,638) is comparable to that of non-NGACO markets ($9,519)
- Considered geographically, many NGACOs have contiguous or overlapping markets and are concentrated in the Midwest (11 ACOs), with pockets in the Southeast (7 ACOs) and Northeast (4 ACOs)
- Nine NGACOs are in highly concentrated markets, dominated by one or a few hospital systems
- NGACOs operate in markets with high Medicare Advantage and Shared Savings Program penetration rates
- Commercial and Medicaid ACO initiatives are more likely to be located in NGACO markets
- Eleven of the 18 2016 NGACOs were integrated delivery systems
- On average, physicians represented more than half of each NGACO’s governing board membership
- Most 2016 NGACOs chose to assume 80 percent risk and the fee-for-service (FFS) payment mechanism
- Twenty-four percent of the 2016 NGACO participating providers’ Medicare FFS revenue from paid QEM visits was generated from care provided to NGACO-aligned beneficiaries.
- Seventy-one percent of aligned beneficiaries’ paid QEM visits were within their respective NGACO provider networks, compared with forty percent of the comparison group’s
- All but two NGACOs had preferred providers in their networks
- All NGACOs address end-of-life care
- The SNF waiver was the most commonly implemented of the three NGACO model benefit enhancements

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