Seven Things to Know About Medicaid Going Forward
By Clive Riddle, August 20, 2015
- The most current CMS report indicates total Medicaid and CHIP enrollment of 71,637,638; with 509,082 additional people were enrolled during the past 30 days in the most recent reporting month (May 2015.)
- Total Medicaid spending will be close to $500 billion going into 2016.
- Since initial Marketplace open enrollment period began in October 2013, more than 12.8 million additional individuals are enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP as of May 2015, more than a 22 percent increase (Among states participating in Medicaid expansion, enrollment rose by 29.2 percent, while non participating states reported an increase of approximately 9.5 percent.)
- Regarding where states stand on medicaid expansion decisions, 20 states are not expanding Medicaid; 25 states (count includes the District of Columbia) are expanding Medicaid ; 5 states are expanding Medicaid, but using an alternative to traditional expansion; and 1 state is expanding Medicaid; pending federal waiver approval.
- According to the Center for Health Care Strategies, nine states have an active Medicaid ACO program (Oregon, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, New Jersey, Vermont, and Maine) and ten states are pursuing Medicaid ACOs (Washington, Michigan, Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.)
- The GAO recently listed four key issues facing the Medicaid program, in their brief MEDICAID: Key Issues Facing the Program, including (A) access to care; (B) transparency and oversight (lack of complete and reliable data on states' spending, and need for improved HHS management of state demonstrations; (C) program integrity (the program's size and diversity make it vulnerable to improper payments). ; and (D) federal financing approach (automatic federal assistance during economic downturns and more equitable federal allocations of Medicaid funds to states.)
- Medicaid Managed Care now involves 39 states that contract with comprehensive MCOs for Medicaid, with around 74 percent of beneficiaries receiving care through these plans. CMS recently issued the first major proposed rule addressed Medicaid Managed Care since 2002, which addresses issues including Network Adequacy; Medical Loss Ratio; Actuarially Sound Capitation Rates; Quality of Care Standards; Appeals and Grievances ; Beneficiary Enrollment Protections; Utilization Management; Managed Long-Term Services and Supports; State Monitoring Standards; and Information Standards.

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